Saturday, September 8, 2012

Western Wall II

So this Friday night we walked over to the Western Wall as a full group, all 82 of us. This experience was very different than my first experience. This time it was packed full of Jews who were there to usher in Shabbat. It was quite the experience. There were all kinds of different Orthodox Jews. After speaking to a few I realized that for the most part the physical dress and appearance differed more from genealogy and tradition, some wear big round furry hats, some have top hats, and some just have a kippah on. There were some who were singing chant-like prayers in Hebrew and then there was this one group of guys who were my age singing really loud Hebrew prayer songs, they were dancing, yelling, getting on each others shoulders in piggy-back formation, and Pogo-dancing in a circle whilst clapping the beat. I was very hesitant to jump in being an outsider/Christian/Mormon but I did jump and clap right on the side of the whole group with a few other guys. They were really getting down. I went to the wall and said another personal prayer while an old orthodox fuzzy hatted Jewish guy was singing his Hebrew prayer really loudly next to me. We also spoke with a Jewish guy in a top hat who was about our age, he answered our questions though some of the questions asked by the guys I was with were a bit embarrassing due to their irrelevancy and their ignorance. My overall impression of this whole trip was a gained respect and appreciation for the commitment and dedication of the Jewish people. They have so much dedication, which is showcased best during Shabbat. It was a culture shock for sure to walk around a sea of Orthodox Jews with their fuzzy hats, curled sideburns, and coats singing loud Hebrew prayer-chants. What an experience to have though, to see others dedication to God. It made me re-access my Sabbath Day worship and dedication to God.

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