Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Travel Day

September 16th, 2012 Gobble gobble!!! This morning I woke up and packed for Turkey. I was ready to go too early. So I made some calls to some old friends. I also went down after breakfast to the laundry room to play Andrew in table tennis. Two of the workers came in and we each played them individually, they beat us both ha ha they we way good. We finally packed on the bus and went to the airport in Tel Aviv. We left at 11:00am and I am now settled into my hotel room at 11:30pm, symptoms of traveling in a pack of about 95 people. The flight to Turkey was not that long at all, probably about an hour an a half. We got loaded up into two huge tour buses, which is not an unfamiliar sight to us by this point. We drove into down town Istanbul. We passed the beautifully lit Mosques and an aqueduct that we drove though/under that was built in 5th century CE. It was breathtaking. We went to dinner in what seemed to be the heart of Istanbul, all 95 of us. It was a nice restaurant that was probably pretty pricey. I sat with Janessa, Lizzy, Jordan, and Jed l, which is a recipe for disaster. We were told not to laugh loud and to not draw attention to ourselves especially as Americans during this time of conflict eight the hostility towards Americans. Well, I was pretty hyper and so were the rest of us, we were being pretty loud, as well as other groups. We got back on the bus,after almost getting taken out by a taxi in the madness of the busy street, and brother Judd gices us all (the whole class because it wasnt just us) that we were being obnoxiously loud and insensitive to others in the restaurant. I felt way bad, here I am an adult who has pretty much graduated from college sitting on a bus getting a lecture from my teacher as if I was a insensitive, boisterous,  obnoxious little preteen. Though I was not the only one who was being loud, I felt like his browbeating was directed at me. Well we unpacked and went up to our hotel rooms, which are really nice! 

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