Saturday, October 27, 2012

Night Of Blues

So last Firday night a guy named Michael Stallings and I played a blues show in the lounge here at the center. We played 5 or 6 blues songs that we had written together, one was Red House (a Jimmy cover). We found 5 small, durable, identical, metal coffee tables and made a sweet little stage. We had almost the whole center there, it was super fun. A word about Michael Stallings, he is an articulate, hilarious, highly intelligent man who absolutely shreds the guitar. He was homeschooled growing up and instead of taking the "gamer" route of utilizing his free time he turned to the guitar. He is phenominal guitarist and we connected very early in this trip on the foundation of 'the blues'. We had a song called "59 problems" because there are 59 girls in our group, we also had a song called "powerful woman blues" were I sang and wrote lyrics that reflected Michaels feelings for Condoleezza Rice. It was a blast to say the least.

Mr. Michael Stallings himself

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